The project has been
sponsored by clearaudio with a „Double Matrix Professional Sonic“ record cleaning machine.
It did an incredible job and helped decisively to improve the quality of the originals for the transfer.
Furthermore it was possible to clean 250 records within 3 days.
We thank Robert Suchy and his team for the big support of the project
We also would like to thank those, who have been supporting the project with their knowledge, interest, time and material:
Andreas Schmauder (Horben), Rusty Frank (Los Angeles), Carmen Lahrmann (Berlin), Stephan Wuthe (Berlin), Deutsches Tanzarchiv (Köln), Peter Mintun (New York), Takao Norikoshi (Tokyo), Masato Mouri (Tokyo), Shinichi Matsumoto (Tokyo), Rainer Lotz (Bonn), Christian Zwarg (Berlin), Charles Hippisley-Cox (Huddersfield), Mark Berresford (Shottle), Alan Cooperman (Millington), Klaus Stemmler (Hamburg), Thomas Krispens (Grube Messel), Andreas Bauer (Quickborn), Wilhelm Tartler (München), Christian van den Broeck (Belgium), and more …
The photo below is by Stephan Wuthe (Berlin).